Reviews & Responses
The Place of Judgment in the Conversation: a response to Michael Clune
in Modern Fiction Studies 70. 2
Foreword to Being and Nothingness
by Jean-Paul Sartre, a new translation by Sarah Richmond (Routledge, 2019)
Replies to my critics
for my book The Exchange of Words: Speech, Testimony, and Intersubjectivity (Oxford, 2018), European Journal of Philosophy Volume 27, Issue 3, Nov. 2019
Discussion of Alex Byrne’s book Transparency and Self-Knowledge
(Oxford, 2018), Inquiry
Replies to my critics
for my book The Exchange of Words: Speech, Testimony, and Intersubjectivity (Oxford, 2018), Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 2021
Précis of the book
Replies to my critics
for my book The Exchange of Words: Speech, Testimony, and Intersubjectivity (Oxford, 2018), Philosophical Explorations 2020, vol. 23, no. 3, 302-313
Review of Quassim Cassam
Self-Knowledge for Humans (OUP 2014), in Times Literary Supplement, July 10, 2015
The Topic of the Judgement of Beauty
Book Symposium on Hannah Ginsborg, The Normativity of Nature, British Journal of Aesthetics, vol. 56, no. 4 (October 2016)
Psychoanalysis and the Limits of Reflection
response to Jonathan Lear's Tanner Lectures, Harvard University, September 2009, published in Jonathan Lear, A Case for Irony, Harvard University Press
Essay-review of The Reasons of Love
by Harry Frankfurt, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Volume 74, Number 2, March 2007, pp. 463 475(13)
Responses to O’Brien and Shoemaker
in European Journal of Philosophy, vol. 11, 2003
Replies to Five Critics in Philosophy and Phenomenological Research
book symposium on my book Authority and Estrangement, 2003
Review of Visual Theory
Norman Bryson, Michael Ann Holly, and Keith Moxey, eds., (Blackwell, 1991), Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Summer, 1992